St. Dominic Catholic Church

2002 Merton Ave | Los Angeles, CA 90041 | (323) 254-2519

The Sacrament of Marriage

Marriage in the Church

The matrimonial covenant, by which a man and a woman establish between themselves a partnership of the whole of life, is by its nature ordered toward the good of the spouses and the procreation and education of offspring; this covenant between baptized persons has been raised by Christ the Lord to the dignity of a sacrament. 

Code of Canon Law, #1055

Congratulations on your decision to marry in the Church.  

We are very happy for you and will begin to pray for you as soon as you contact us.  We want you to have a great marriage, one in which Jesus is an intimate part. The preparation for marriage is a time in your engagement to grow in your relationship with God, in emotional intimacy and knowledge of one another, and to grow in spiritual understanding of marriage as a sacrament of the Church. The priest will guide you through this preparation period.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can anyone prepare for marriage at St. Dominic's? 

Sorry, we can’t prepare everyone, but we can help those who are:

  • Already registered parishioners (at least a year) or someone who lives within the parish boundaries;
  • Someone who has a special circumstance. Please write a letter explaining your circumstances to the Pastor, Fr. Peter Rogers, OP, and secure at a later date the permission of your own pastor.
How long does it take? 

The Archdiocese requires a six-month preparation period.

What if we plan to get married at another parish?

We will prepare your required paperwork here and send it to the parish where you will be married. A donation of $200 covers the cost of the FOCCUS inventory and some of the priest's time.


To Begin

Contact the parish office (323) 254-2519 and speak to the duty priest. Do not make reservations for a reception hall until a date is scheduled

Weddings times

Saturdays: 11:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m.
Other days are considered on a case-by-case basis.
No weddings occur on Sundays or during Lent.

Rehearsal times

Fridays: 7:00 p.m.
other days and times by arrangement

Married Civilly?

Some couples have married civilly but not sacramentally in the Church. A priest can describe to couples on a case-by-case basis how they may have their marriage convalidated, or blessed in the Catholic Church to make it a sacrament. Please call the office to make an appointment with a priest if you want to have your civil marriage convalidated.

Previously Married?

Please contact the parish office and speak to the duty priest to discuss what steps may be needed before a wedding date can be set.


Marriage Preparation
  • The Pre-Nuptial Inquiry questions regarding your freedom to marry and your views on Christian marriage.
  • FOCCUS Inventory
  • Pre-Cana Conference at an archdiocesan parish -OR- Engaged Encounter Weekend (either will provide a certificate indicating your completion of the program)
Paperwork (All Couples)
  • Baptismal Certificate (The Catholic Certificate is to be acquired within the last six months)
  • Confirmation Certificate(s)
  • Two Pre-Nuptial Witness Forms for each of you (Your priest can give you the forms, or you can download this one)
  • State of California Marriage License (Unless this license is present, no wedding can occur)
Paperwork (Some Couples)
  • Record of Permission for Mixed-Marriage (For a Catholic to marry a person baptized in another Christian Faith)
  • Petition for Dispensation for Disparity of Worship (For a Catholic to marry a non-baptized person)
  • Permission to be married in another parish / diocese 


For couples contacting the parish, updated 2022.

  • Use of the church - due 2 months prior to the wedding
    $600 for parishioners* with a record of giving
    $850 for parishioners* with no record of giving
    $2000 for non-parishioners

  • Music - $250
    • music must be coordinated through our Director, Mr. Rudy Acosta 323-258-9854
  • Wedding Coordinator - $200
  • Marriage preparation and FOCCUS inventory - included
  • Engaged Encounter or Pre-Cana Conference - variable
  • Marriage preparation for couples being married elsewhere - $200

We do not turn away couples because of financial hardship. Talk to the priest preparing you about what arrangements can be made.

* A parishioner is someone who lives within our parish boundaries, whether they are registered or not, or someone who lives outside our boundaries, but is registered and attends Sunday Mass at St. Dominic's.

To Do 

  • First Meeting with priest: Complete the Pre-nuptial Inventory
  • Register for Engaged Encounter or Parish Pre-Cana Program
  • Complete the online FOCCUS Inventory and complete the follow-up meetings with the priest
  • Submit all required documents
  • Plan Wedding Liturgy – turn in Liturgy Planning sheet to priest or deacon
  • Meet with Music Director to select music
  • Schedule to meet with Wedding Coordinator
  • Pay fees and Church donation no later than 2 months before the wedding date
  • Give the civil marriage license to the priest or deacon or wedding coordinator no later than the rehearsal.  A civil license is required for the marriage to take place!
  • Pray for your fiancé(e)

Parish Resources for Planning your Wedding

Marriage Guide for the Parish

This contains a wealth of information regarding the preparations for your wedding day at the parish

The Rite of Marriage

The prayers and order of the Nuptial Mass

Readings for Marriage

Old Testament Readings      New Testament Readings

The Rite of Marriage Without Mass

This form is used when one of the parties is a catechumen or non-Christian

Nuptial Mass Program

A MS Word document you may edit

Prayers of the Faithful 

Example (1)         Example (2)


For Your Marriage

Resources provided by the 
U.S. Catholic Conference of Bishops

Natural Family Planning

Couples who are serious enough about their faith to use NFP have a divorce rate less than 1%.  Download the study.


Matrimony Staff


Fr. Peter Rogers, OP,  Pastor

Fr. Francis Goode, OP, Associate Pastor

 Fr. Donald Bramble, OP, MSW  Prior and Associate Pastor

Rudy Acosta, Director of Music

"Holy Orders and Matrimony are directed towards the salvation of others; if they contribute as well to personal salvation, it is through service to others that they do so.
They confer a particular mission in the Church and serve to build up the People of God."

Catechism of the Catholic Church, #1534